Visit Cardigan

Add your business

Are you a tourism related business in the Cardigan area? You can list your business with a photo and provide a direct link to your own website by filling in the form below. Here is an example of a listing:

Example Listing

NOTES: is a bilingual website. Listings must be available in English and Welsh. If you are unable to provide a Welsh translation, please leave the Welsh boxes blank. We will provide a translation but cannot guarantee its accuracy.
It would also really help us if you would provide a link to on your website. This will help improve our search engine position which will in turn help promote your business.

This will appear as the title of your listing
Either business or personal - This will not appear in your listing
A contact number. This will not appear in your listing
Your listing will link directly to this address. If you do not have your own website, a Facebook or other third party page like a cottage agency listing would do. Do not link simply to the home page of a that agency or generic home page of any other business.
90 words maximum summary of your business. The title and image will be linked to your own website, so just include here a well crafted summary not including time-sensitive information like special offers or an event.
You can upload a single photo to represent your business. It should be LANDSCAPE (wide) orientation and AT LEAST 800 pixels wide. Bigger is even better. Any photo coming straight from a camera or phone will be big enough.
I declare that I have the right to use the photo I am uploading and I grant permission to Menter Aberteifi to use my photo anywhere on its website
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